Not Master Chef
Not Master Chef

How to cook rice using the absorption method

Total time: 15 mins


1 cup of white rice will yield approximately 3 cups of cooked rice.

I usually use basmati rice.  The rice to water ratio is 1 part rice to 1 1/2 parts cooking water so to cook 1 cup of rice  you need 1 1/2 cups of water (for 2 cups of rice, use 3 cups of cooking water and so on).



Firstly, the rice needs to be rinsed well. Put the rice in a heavy based saucepan (that has a tight fitting lid). Add plenty of cold water, slosh the rice around with your fingers and pour the water off.  Repeat twice more. The rinse water will be cloudy on the first rinse but will become fairly clear by the last rinse as some of the starch washes away. 

To the drained cup of rice, add 1 1/2 cups of cold water. Bring it to the boil, put the lid on and turn it down to the lowest heat. Check your packet instructions for cooking time. A cup of basmati rice (once brought to the boil and then heat turned right down) usually takes 13 minutes to cook. Do not lift the lid until the cooking time has elapsed. At this stage, all water should have been absorbed and you will be left with the cooked rice. If you leave the lid on after cooking, the rice will happily hold it’s heat for 20 minutes or more until you are ready to use it.