Not Master Chef
Not Master Chef

Simple Vinaigrette Dressing

If you have a favourite vinaigrette salad dressing them feel free to use it with any of the salad recipes on this site. If not, try this one.

Total time: 5 mins


1 generous  part extra virgin olive oil

1 scant part good quality white wine or white balsamic vinegar

sea salt


As I have mentioned in other recipes, if you have a good quality, well-balanced vinegar and a subtle olive oil then I find that roughly equal parts vinegar and oil with a generous sprinkling of sea salt makes a good, simple dressing. To paraphrase Marge Simpson, the secret ingredient is salt - so be sure to use it.

For a single person salad use 1 to 2 tablespoons each of oil and vinegar, being slightly more heavy-handed with the oil. For a group salad use 3 to 4 tablespoons (or more) of each, depending on the size of the salad and how well dressed you want it.  Combine the oil and vinegar in a small bowl or jar and add a good pinch or two of sea salt and combine well. Taste. If at this point you find yourself grimacing, then your vinegar is probably more acidic than mine and needs a splash more oil. Adjust the dressing as necessary. When you are ready to dress your salad, pour on half the dressing, toss and then add extra dressing if required.