Kaleslaw with Roast Beef

This isn't really a recipe but more of a collection of pre-packaged ingredients and left-overs. But people have asked me about it so here it is.

Preparation time: 10 minutes 

Serves 2

You need

250g (9 oz) Coles pre-packaged Kaleslaw Salad Kit - see Note below

2 tbsp ready-made beetroot dip

2 small handfuls of left-over roast beef, sliced

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

1 handful of walnuts, roughly chopped 

1 quantity of vinaigrette dressing, click here for a recipe

Yoghurt dressing (from salad kit)

sea salt and pepper to serve


To make

In a large bowl toss the kaleslaw with the vinaigrette dressing. Add the roast beef and gently toss again. Divide amongst serving bowls. Drizzle over a small quantity of the yoghurt dressing, top with a dollop of beetroot dip and the nuts and seeds. Serve with extra dressing on the side. 


This salad kit comes in a 350g bag so use as much or as little as you wish. It contains a yoghurt and chia dressing. If you want to make your own kaleslaw from scratch then the main ingredients are kale, red cabbage and carrot with lesser amounts of beetroot and broccoli.  All ingredients are finely chopped as they would be in a traditional coleslaw. 

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